Stethoscoop etc

Medical info

Information on medical topics
More information on various medical topics can be found at
In the sub menu, you can find information about other health care related organizations or issues.

General information on GP’s

In the Netherlands, if you want to see a doctor, the first person you need to go to is your General Practitioner, or, in Dutch "huisarts". Usually the GP will handle your medical problem himself or herself. If you and your GP deem it necessary, you may be referred to a hospital doctor. A referral letter will be sent to the hospital, usually electronically. Some hospitals will send you a letter with an appointment. In other cases you need to make an appointment yourself by telephone. Waiting times are typically between two to six weeks.

Only in cases of emergencies or accidents should you go to a hospitals' accident and emergency department. You do not need a referral to go to a physiotherapist ("fysiotherapeut") or certain psychologists ("eerstelijns psycholoog"), although some Dutch health care insurance companies do require a referral letter from your GP for reimbursement of the costs.

Not all health care insurance companies have contracts with all hospitals. As we General Practitioners cannot check which health care companies have contracts with which hospitals, it is your responsibility to check if your hospital costs will be reimbursed.

Dutch health care and medical information
More information on Dutch healthcare and also various medical topics can be found at
For detailled information on the health care system in the Netherlands, there is also a guide available on the Expatica website.